Awaken Update

(Original post date - 4/12/14)

Ok, I've made a decision and a cover. First the cover, since it was part of my decision. 

Yes, I have decided to put all those little bits that I may come up with in this theme, into one 'book' so to speak. So some will be incest stories, but not all will be. But they will be about or centered around shota. 

Shota or Shotacon Describes an attraction to young boys, usually from an adult individual. The usage of the term in both Western and Japanese fan cultures includes works ranges from explicitly pornographic to mildly suggestive, romantic or entirely nonsexual. A cutoff of "about 15" has been suggested as the dividing line between shotacon and shōnen-ai. Shonen-ai aka yaoi. 

The boy in the first story is 15, so I haven't really gone any where yet. I don't really think that I can go younger than 15 myself. So if I don't, I'll take out the word shota before putting up the cover. 

Clearly I'm going the explicitly pornographic route. That isn't to say I may never write something cute and had very little sex in it. It could be a good writing exercise for me. :)

So now this first story has to be renamed since I'm giving the name Awaken to the book. The name of the that first bit is now 'The Second Time'.


New Update - 4/18/2019

I was suppose to be working on another story and some how fell into the mess of what this was suppose to become and came across a lot of broken links and a forgotten story. 

Heck I barely remember this cover. But the project is not dead. It was just set to the side and slightly forgotten. So I'm cleaning up posts talking about the project. Deleting the ones that are of no use anymore and so on. I will be posting a new one to supplement this post in a bit, and I updated the links for the one talking about "After Work".

Since I just found myself back here again, I don't have an answer on the fourth story that I was suppose to make a decision on. "After Work". You can search for it and read it for yourself here.

I have now decided that at least one part of the couple has to be under the age of 20. Since the guy in "After Work" was never pegged at any age, I might still use it. I still do not believe anyone in my stories will be under 15, so I will have to take shota out of the title and see if I can find something to replace it with that means young man instead of young boy.

I also have to think about the title in relation to the other stories. At least half my stories will have to include sleeping to a fair degree to justify the name of the book they are in. The other stories will give us, me and you, a change of scenery and perhaps pace.

There will be no real limit on the story length, but even I fell that the first story is too short. I don't know how I would lengthen it yet, but that is an option at this point. I do not want a story less than a two pages long. But after I hit that mark, I don't care when it ends.

I have a story that I don't think I'm going to finish. Two really. I can cannibalize them for two new stories. They will be incest. One is a brother set. That one is iffy. The second one is father son.

Not all stories will be incest. Just so you know. I don't mean on a technical bases like step son or something like that. Zero marriage or blood connection between the two parties. Like "Real Cream".

Also like "Real Cream" not all couples will be of a mature man and a boy in his late teen years. Both can be in their teen years together. What I won't have are two adult men having fun together. Oh, I just thought of something. I have another story that I can add to this. I think I'll give that the #5 spot and just add "After Work" in there as #4. Yeah. I've decided.

That other story that I just remembered is already on here. You may have read it. "Going For A Swim". I hope I don't have to add to it. I remember it being long, but is it 2 pages long?

I think that's it other than the first three are already in .pdf form. I'll have to do it with these two and with the first one once I make it longer.

The post that I'm putting up after this one, is really just a list and description of the stories that I have in the set so far. Will I have links? I don't know since I don't seem to have at least one of the first three on line to link to.

I'll talk more about that there.

So that's it. New info will get it's only post from here out.



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