So Soon? - All Together Now Covers

Hey. :) I honestly thought that it would have taken me a while to find a pic that I liked enough to use, never mind make the covers. But I have them done already. I think it helped that already did a search for what I wanted weeks ago when I made a banner for the stories over at tumblr. So when my sister was keeping me awake last night I was able to find a few pics that held promise. I then made them tonight. Let me what you think. If you have valid points on the design, I'll consider making the change. This is the second time I've changed how I describe the story. The first time was a washed down version of the small blip of words that were attached to the pic I found on Tumblr. Then I rewrote it when I started to post to Hentai Foundry (HF). Considering how I ended the story, that descript was no longer really valid so I needed something new. So I think this will do now. I haven't said anything here, but if you have been following me, from before th...