The Story of Maids - Business First {Maids/Being watched}
I was walking back into my bedroom when I heard moaning coming from the direction of my bed. I knew Trisha, my dear wife, was in the sunroom. I just left her there getting her pussy licked by one of the male maids.
My boys had their rooms to entertain in, and the girls weren’t even at home today. They went into town for a number of errands I was told when we had breakfast this morning. So that only left one real possibility.
I walked through my sitting area and peaked around the curtain separating both spaces. My eyes fell on Kasandra and Ellen as they rolled around in a bed that they were suppose to be changing the sheets of.
“Earl Renmont. Earl Renmont, Earl Renmont,” they moaned over and over again as they rubbed against each other and into the wet spots I created with my wife and the maid that woke us both up this morning.
I watched as they worked their breasts free. As their skirts were lifted out of the way and one pair of panties was tossed aside. They kissed each other as they pulled at their nipples. The girls sucked on each other's skin as they fingered pussies. They undulated in my bed as they moaned my name.
“I’m cumming, I’m cumming,” one said as the other moaned my name even louder. Then there was this flash of movement as part of the bedding was pulled over their heads and they screamed as they came adding their own wet spots to what was there when they arrived.
I thought of joining and giving them something that they seemed to be wanting and had settled for my stale cum instead, but I stopped before I even stepped forward.
I came in here for something. It was important. I looked down at my hand. It was palming my cock and rubbing my balls, but that wasn’t it. I looked at my other hand. It was a letter from one of my companies. I came in here for business. I looked over at the night tables, past their clearly shaking bodies, and didn’t see the book that I wanted.
I then remembered that I was indeed reading it last night, but not in bed. I looked back into the sitting room and saw it on the table that held the green Guigi lamp. I retrieved it and left for my office. My aching cock had me thinking of burying it in someone before I had lunch today. But who was that going to be?