
Showing posts from October, 2016

Ian and Carl: You Can't Fire Me...

I have written a new 'chapter' for the collection. I posted it over at DA -> Ian and Carl: You Can't Fire Me... I'll be posting it over at Wattpad in a few hours if not a few days. :) I may come back and post the whole thing here. I'll see. :) Well, my long weekend is over. My sister didn't have work Monday and today. She has a Jewish boss so his office was closed for one of their holidays. I think it was 'Jewish New Years'? Not completely sure. I did get some work in The Queens, but because of my coughing, I didn't get to work on it as much as I would have liked. I thought that since I was stuck at such a point, so far into the first book, then I should at least move on the second draft of the first book and perhaps that would help me understand where to take where I left off, to where I know it should end. Then I'll just work on the second draft for books 2 and 3. I'm half tempted to put off looking up recipes until the act...

Awaken 3 - Airplane Ride

I’ve gotten around to writing another short story for the set. You can blame more bad porn for giving me the idea for this one. I started it a few weeks back on the laptop and I just sat down and finished it this morning.  === I found myself seated on an airplane with my family. I looked across the aisle and there was my Mum with my sister Kimberly. I looked to my left and there was my step dad Mark. He was looking through those things that they stuff in the back of the seats for passengers to read. Safety procedures, a menu if you felt like paying more, a barf bag and one or two airline magazines.   I felt like we had been in the air for a while since I kept twisting my body to ease up on parts of my arse. Once again another male steward walks past our seats and I watched his arse in the tight black pants he was wearing. He stopped to talk with another one about four seats down and I watched them talk for a little bit before I looked at his back and saw that he was we...