How to leave me a comment without others knowing.

This is how to leave a message with Disque without haveing to sign up.

This works here on my site because I’m allowing anonymous comments. Not everyone will.

Oh yeah. I was suppose to give you news on my newest story. Ok. Here.

I've been the library, and I have research material for my next two stories. Yeah, I keep entertaining the idea that when I buckle down I'll be done with my newest story in like a week or two. But I still know I have at least 5 parts left to write then I have read it over and add some more details, maybe, and catch as many typos and make sure the time is followed.

What book did I get for this story to help me finish it? Pregnancy Book. Yeah, that's the name of it. Simple I know. Also yes, someone is having a baby. No, it's a brand new story, you haven't seen these people before.

There you go. :grin:



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