
Showing posts from November, 2011

Scribd Link

Ok, I've now added my Scribd link here. I thought that I had it over on my main blog all this time but it wasn't there either. I may need to look over all my links now to see what works, what doesn't and what should or shouldn't still be there. I found this nice web comic. Actually, I'm kinda late in finding it. I've seen it slip by me now and again for I don't know how many mouths now, but I've now settled down, and read it and give the site a nice once over. I think it's link worth. :) It's called Teahouse by the way.

Last Chapter for Inuyasha Has Been Posted!

On DA that is. The grand total is 91. After three years my story ends on chapter 91, and even then someone says that I ended on a cliffhanger. :) I didn't really mean to, but I haven't really left it forever. I have a New Years story that may or may not get posted by New Years, and I feel like spending some time with Sango and Kouga. :) We shall see what happens.  Now I'm also posting this over on my Scribe account in pdf format. It's going to be a big 'book' when I put all the chapters together but I have each chapter by itself also. I even had a cover, of sorts, for it right now. I'm just trying to get official permission to use their pics as part of my cover.  Speaking of covers. I'm set to get a get one for 'Daddy's Acceptance' from a friend of mine over at DA ( It will be nice to see it.... darn. I was suppose to send the girl the specks on each person this past weekend. Well, I'll have time this weekend....