
Showing posts from September, 2009

My Home

I know, I have a link for this story higher up. I just realized that I had the link twice. I was about to get rid of it when I realized that having a link that didn't go to Deviantart could be a good thing. If you don't have an account for that site you might run into problems. So incase you do, this should be a better link for you. :) ================================ “Carman, I couldn’t find those veggie chips that you said Louis likes. Are you sure of the brand you told me?” I asked as I dropped my keys into the wicker basket that my wife kept by the front door. “What are you looking for?” she asked from the kitchen. I walked down the hall with what I had bought from the store. I turned left into the kitchen area and placed the bags on the long counter top. “Let’s see,” I said as I pulled out the paper from my pocket. “I think it was ‘Demas’,” I said before actually seeing it. “Dantai’s,” I corrected myself. “It says Dantai’s here, but I couldn’t find it at the store,” I said...

Inuyasha Story Update

Hello. Ya, it's been a while since I posted something. I'm up to chapter 67 now for my Inuyasha story. I have about a page down now after looking at one line for like 2 weeks. I'm also changing how I upload my chapters from now on because I'm starting college this week. On Thursday I go to my first class. I'm going to be uploading one chapter for the week instead of three starting this week and right now I'm not even sure what day that will be. I'll be uploading chapter 36 I think this Tuesday. This Tuesday is the only day that I know for sure I'll be uploading on. I found a story that I kinda forgot about and will be posting here soon. Providing I don't fall into a study hole this upcoming week. *grin* *weakly* Well, See ya.